Temperature reliant handcrafts
Here in the UK crocheting during summer is easy, the summer temperatures are variable and this summer, it has been generally dry (OK so today and next few days looking wet) but generally it has been DRY and not very hot or warm for that matter, so sitting back and crocheting is not encumbered with sweaty hands or dripping brow and if it is warm on the odd day then rest assured I am out in the sunshine enjoying it and getting as much Vit D out of the day as I can.
Heaven (and God) only know when the sun is going to come out again and grace us with it's blessings!
Writers Block... and whinge!
Writing about the crochet on the other hand has been (in my case) constipated. Oh the reluctance to write about what I do, I'd rather be doing it. Then there are the photos to sort through and edit, the ho hum drudgery, and then trying to keep you all informed. Did you know I am a "dot point" type of person? You know -
- take yarn and hook
- make a hat
- gift to friend
- start next project
It's so easy, right? not having to count stitches, explain every step, make sure it's understood, check and re-check, hours at the computer, so I can share with others! who said this crochet life was easy?
Give me a map, a camera and I am off into the world exploring. And if my crochet hook travels with me, it may not see daylight for weeks. So basically if I had the means, my first choice would always be "travel" and "adventure" and "the great outdoors".
Everyday Delights and Rewards
On the other hand the delight in receiving compliments and the rewards of sales is all worth it and I do like to share what little crochet knowledge I have with others, especially when people are interested enough to ask me about it, I recoil from forcing it down people's throats.
Anyway here now I am going to share my latest crochet projects and patterns, so you will know I have not been too idle!
Distraction project
In the midst of creating more summer hats with brims, like this lovely bucket-style (fisherman-style) hat called ZIGGY and which is available from my online store RAVELRY
I decided to break away from my mindless hat making and try a bit of "filet" crochet. I had this very old pattern hanging around for a while, so now was the perfect opportunity, having just spent five (5) weeks of whirlwind travelling around the UK with my daughter (from Oz).
I really felt the need to explore the unknown (for me anyway) world of filet crochet.
Crochet Rose Bag
The pattern is a small crochet bag with a rose design and dates back to the early 1910-1920's, I think.
Crochet Rose Bag - both sides done - ready to be joined. |
So with my white cotton and metallic gold yarn and a 2.5mm hook (not the recommended size for the project) however I wanted my bag to be bigger than the original pattern, the original is made with Crochet Cotton No. 10 and crochet hook No. 8 (I think it's old UK steel hook size).
At first it was interesting to read the instructions and to ponder over how simple instructions were back in those days, here is an example:-
Ch105, Work three rows of 33 space each.
Row 4, 5sp, 4blk, 5sp, 1blk, 3sp, 1blk, 5sp, 4blk, 5sp,
and so on....
Obviously every young girl knew how to crochet back then, so there was no need for too much explanation in the pattern, just the basics. Which I think is simply perfect, basic instructions, a bit like what and how I like to scribble my crochet notes, dot point. LOL
Filet crochet is really quite simple, all about spaces and blocks, just fill in the blocks and you have a design, even simpler follow the few basic instructions and then follow the chart. Quite an enjoyable little project, now all I have to do is line my bag, I must source a nice bit of material for it, still not sure on the colour, do I go dark to show up the pattern? or go with a gold ? decisions, decisions.
Latest Designs
Feast your eyes on my latest summer designs, actually it's a bit of a revamp of one of my previous patterns.
The pattern is very close to completion, and will be released next week, do keep an eye open for it! and yes, it will be available from on my RAVELRY online store.
Never Idle
Oh and just in case you thought I am or have been a bit lazy, check out today's walk, 7.5 miles along the Crab & Winkle Way from Whitstable to Canterbury. Of course we took the bus back home, we were a bit soggy from the downpour which we walked through half way there.
Enjoy! Ciao, ciao!
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Barbara Summers Hand Knit and Crochet.
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