
Thursday 12 April 2012


Quick Getaway... 

we are getting out of here...

travelling to the north east... 

somewhere near  Hull...
en route a quick catch-up with the cousins...

one in Northampton...

the other in Newark...

yes it's a bit of a drive...
but we love it!

What does this mean?

well... firstly, my Etsy and Folksy shops will be closed until my return April 22.

To purchase patterns...
you will need to shop on my website, where pattern delivery is automatic on payment
Barbara Summers Hand Knit and Crochet   

OR if you prefer you can also shop on Ravelry  

shop closure is absolutely necessary because we will be travelling into remote areas with limited internet access... 
naturally on one hand this is great... 
on the other for business purposes it sucks...

Looking forward to the getaway... even if the weather forecast is a bit to be desired... after all it is April... anything is possible... 
Ciao, ciao....